Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Who are we kidding?  We suck at this blog thing.  I'll just cut to the good stuff.  Here are a bunch of pictures of the boy.  Who is now standing on his own, thinks "uh oh" is a universal word for anything, loves Mickey Mouse, climbing stairs and slamming doors.  Enjoy....

Excited for my FIRST swing!

Over it.

Cold out here.

Yes, to answer your question, I can sleep like this.

Watchin the Cats.

My favorite spot.

Pre-game nap.

Try to put this face to sleep.

Yeah, not sure about this dad.

Made it down alive.

You guys have no idea I'm pooping right now.

So many to choose from.

I'll take these, thank you.

My cuz, lil Jae.

Love mirrors.


"What's your name he'll write it on the wall" - Big Daddy

Uncle Michael And Aunt Kasey's wedding with mom and dad.

Love mom.

I guess this is ok...

Dad, got your candy...

Let's see what Grandma has in the fridge :)


Eating in mommy's baby chair.

Christmas Decorating!